3D Printed Blood Angels Upgrades
I know there are a lot of people out there who were pretty disappointed with Games Workshop and their latest Blood Angels reveals. The lack of wings and Blood Angels decorations left us wanting more, and thankfully there are a lot of solutions out there.
The one I went with is the Crimson Lords Campaign by Greytide Studios. It’s a pack of awesome STL’s to upgrade your Blood Angels to make them more unique. You can 3D print them yourself, or buy the physical prints if you don’t own a 3D printer.
The pack includes a whole lot of different upgrades, including weapons, shoulder pads, accessories, bits for vehicles, and more. Most importantly though, we got wings back!
I’ve had a blast with the bits from this set, putting together my upgraded Death Company, a Sanguinary Priest, and some elite troops with wings.
Below are a couple of photos of the final models all painted up. I’ve gone a bit mad so far and purchased loads of second hand Space Marines from eBay, and then customised them with all the 3D printed bits.