Only Games Crates

Last week I got a chance to play around with 'Crates' by Only Games MyMiniFactory

They offer a selection of 3D printed miniatures each month in sci-fi or fantasy flavors. The minis are printed in flexible resin and I was pretty impressed with the quality overall!

The miniatures were more flexible than anything I’ve managed to print off on my Resin 3D printers at home which is impressive, and the quality matched what I was able to pull off.

There were a few areas that needed a little more cleaning to get some excess supports off, but for the most part they were ready for priming and printing.

This sort of thing has me really excited. Different types of manufacturing opening up, giving smaller creators an opportunity to get their miniatures into the hands of fans and hobbyists. Fingers crossed this sort of offering continues to evolve and the choices for hobbyists and gamers continues to grow.


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