Removing Supports From Resin 3D Prints

Removing supports from resin 3D prints can be tricky sometimes, especially when the prints are smaller and more delicate. In this simple guide I’ll cover off how I remove supports from delicate miniatures.

Step One

Before curing your minis, you’ll want to submerge them in hot water. The water shouldn’t be boiling or too hot, otherwise you risk warping your minis, or causing them to become too flexible.

Rule of thumb for me is that I should be able to keep my hand in the water for 10-15 seconds, which is the same amount of time I leave a miniature submerged.

I use a baby bottle warmer for this as it helps to keep the water temperature consistent, and it means I can re-use the same resin contaminated water again in the future without constantly disposing of the water.

Step Two

Once you’ve dunked your miniature in the warm water for about 10 seconds, take a scalpel or clippers and gently slice away any supports around more delicate parts like swords. Once you’ve done this, you can peel away the rest of the supports.

Some models that don’t have overly fragile parts on can just be peeled straight away, but just be careful not to ruin your prints.

Step Three

While the resin is still warm, you can begin to remove and left over parts, like the stringy bits of support that sometimes linger. I don’t go too crazy with this step as I will normally cure my model and then remove any final imperfections.

Step Four

Leave the models to dry and then cure them. Once cured, give them one last look and clean up, and you’re good to go!


This is my go to way to get my resin 3D prints off their supports without damaging them. It’s easy enough, and if you use a bottle warmer then you don’t need to worry about getting rid of the water.

A couple of safety points. Don’t use a bottle warmer that is being used for anything else, you don’t want to contaminate your babys bottle with resin! Also, wear gloves when working with the uncured prints.

If you want to watch the process on YouTube, check it out below.


The Future Of 3D Printing Is Here, And It's Resin!


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