Elegoo ABS Like Resin Review
3d printing Shaun Dowdall 3d printing Shaun Dowdall

Elegoo ABS Like Resin Review

When I first started 3D Printing miniatures, I wasn’t overly impressed with their durability. Sure, they looked fantastic, but if you dropped them it was game over. Even the slightest bit of pressure would sometimes spell doom for a weapon, so I decided to try something new.

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Painting Armor With Contrast Paints
Shaun Dowdall Shaun Dowdall

Painting Armor With Contrast Paints

I’m a big fan of Citadal Contrast paints, but there’s no denying that they aren’t perfect for every thing you’ll want to paint. One example of that is armor for your fantasy miniatures.

However, in this article, I’ll cover off a quick and easy way to make that armor pop!

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Elegoo Mars 3 First Impressions
3d printing Shaun Dowdall 3d printing Shaun Dowdall

Elegoo Mars 3 First Impressions

Recently I picked up the Elegoo Mars 3 Resin 3D printer. It seemed like an all around great alternative to the Elegoo Saturn, offering a larger build plate than I already have, and better print quality than the larger Saturn. However, my experience so far has been mixed.

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