Speed Painting Skaven: 3D Printed Ratmen!

Looking for some 3D printed Skaven proxes that you can use for your verminhorde? Well, this mix of wargaming miniatures by Resin Warfare and Titan Forge Miniatures are pretty great.

I’ve been meaning to build my first Skaven army for a while now, and I picked up the set by Resin Warfare almost a year ago. When I saw the units from Titan Forge Miniatures, I decided to just bite the bullet and print off a batch.

The Process

The painting process is a really simple one, and if you’d prefer to see it on video I’ll have that linked below. Basically, I undercoated them all black, then drybrushed white from above. The stark contrast helped to keep them looking dark and shadowy, but the brighter white also helped the colour to pop.

Next, I alternated between Army Painter Speedpaints, and Green Stuff Worlds Dipping Inks. With the Speedpaints, I thinned them down with a lot of Speedpaint Medium, about a 50/50 mix, which really helped to exaggerate the contrast.

Personally my favourite colour on these was the Orc Skin by Armypainter on all the metal. That green really helped to tie all the units together.

Finishing Up

Once all the colours were down, I went back in and did the bases. The water was a really dark blue, covered with a gloss varnish. I dotted all the eyes with white, and then went back in with some thinned down red speedpaint and added that. This gives a nice glowing eye and you can use whatever colour you fancy.

I’ve had a lot of fun with these miniatures, and I was really surprised by how quickly I got through them. They’re well and truly worth checking out.


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